Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nature walks

So it turns out nature walks are freaking cool. We used to go on them all the time when I was younger but other than Yellow Springs I didn't think it was that cool cause I thought it was just rocks and water. But yesterday we went on this walk down to a beach and it was the coolest thing ever. Bellingham is really beautiful but you can't see the water as much as in Edmonds because there are a million trees blocking it so you have to walk through these forest paths to get to it. but its really cool and we saw starfish and clams and sandrocks and a bunch of stuff.
we found this little cave thing that had garbage bags and sticks and branches around it and they were tied all professionally and we climbed up to check it out but then there was a shot gun shell in front of it so we peaced.
Steph and Sarah got sprayed with clam juice cause the tide was really low and we were walking out on the beach


The Witty Mulatto said...

Oh, those are really good pictures. I wish I wasn't stuck in the city.

Shannon said...

are you coming back for summer? you should come up if you get back before we get out. Or we're probably going to be moving up here in august

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic pics! Wow I can't believe you're talking up the nature walk deal. Yes, I clearly remember those "it's just a bunch of rocks" comments. Love the photos.