Thursday, January 29, 2009

Its warmed up a little now so my fingers have thawed enough for me to type out a blog post.

I have a test in sociology tomorrow, but i think its going to be easy cause its true and false and multiple choice.
I really like the class a lot; Its a criminal justice class and we're only on the first 4 chapters but we're learning about the different kinds of crime and motivation and law and stuff. Its pretty cool.

I decided that i'm actually going to major in just elementary education instead of doing the special ed dual endorsement because I'm really interested in sociology and teaching students that most teachers would label bad kids. There are so many things that even bad behavior can tell you about what a kid is feeling and why he or she is acting a certain way.
And I can't really minor in Spanish like I want to if I do the dual endorsement and I just think I could do more with that. I still have a while to decide I guess..not really though actually. I had to sign up to take this test called the WEST-B test, it stands for like Washington Educators Something Test or something but every teacher has to pass it and then after i do my student teaching I have to take the WEST E...but anyways, it cost like 90 dollars. That sucks.

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