Friday, September 26, 2008

So there's this corpse debating Obama

I hope you all are watching the debates right now... I don't want to say much about it but i will say the 1. The guy hosting the debates is totally weird and annoying. 2. McCain doesn't make any sense about anything and 3. Obama is making him look like a little girl.

So my math class is a total drag...I'm ridiculously bored in it and its terrible. we were adding and subtracting fractions today...I mean really...really? this is college...please.
but Supposedly its just review and things will get harder, so I guess we'll see about that.

I really like my Philosophy of Religion class, its super interesting and not at all what I thought it would be like. Its cool. The teacher is kind of annoying though cause he always lets us out hella late and I have to book it across campus and up 5 flights of stairs to get to my lame ass math class.

So its the first weekend here and I guess we should be doing something exciting..I'm not really sure what we're gonna do but I guess its still early and we can find something. I'm kind of disappointed cause Jackie was supposed to be coming up but she hurt her leg and she can't.
But next weekend Jackie is coming to pick us up with Cam Cam and maybe Beau and I'm sooo excited I can't wait. And we're gonna meet Cam's mommy cause she's coming to visit him that weekend. Its gonna be legit.

ps- McCain thinks we're winning the war in Iraq. Who is he kidding??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see Chris Matthews say that McCain was acting like a grumpy, codgerly troll? ha!

He wouldn't even LOOK at Obama the whole time.

I can't wait for Biden to wipe the floor with Li'l Miss Palin.