Thursday, September 25, 2008

Its real. Its good. It's Real Good.

Just got back from Spanish with Claire, we have a two hour break on Thursdays so we're just sitting in the dorm. She just made a blog so you should all check it out but it will pretty much say the same thing as mine. the URL is

Anyways, Spanish was good today, the teacher talks in Spanish the whole time and I thought that it was going to be really hard but I actually understood everything and it was pretty cool. It seems like its going to be really easy, today we just went over syllables and pronunciation of words with accents and stuff.
They have hella cute western stuff here like sweatshirts and stuff so I'll probably buy some later I already bought a shirt the other day so maybe I'll wait a little while. I need to go shopping hecka bad though cause I pretty much have no clothes to wear. Who would have thought that I need some long sleeves here?? Actually, I'm not gonna lie, I knew but its way more fun to buy dresses and cute summer shirts so that's what I bought all summer long but there is this cute little vestie that I want from Love culture (best store ever) so I know I'm gonna be shopping when I get back.
The mall up here isn't that great and I'd rather shop with jackie anyways so we're just gonna wait until we go home for a weekend (next weekend actually).

So when I was packing my stuff i put my laundry detergent in my these little orange rugs i was bringing and somehow along the way it spilled and the rug was folded so it left a bunch of spots on it and it looked hecka dirty. So last night Claire had the genius idea to wash it so I stuck it in the sink and it got all wet and but then we couldn't ring it out cause its hella I hung it out the window to dry but its still just as wet this morning...I think its gonna take about a week to dry. Actually.

But on the upside there was a sale at fred meyer and we bought a ton of food. Like we got 48 ramen for 4 dollars. What a deal! we also snagged some stuff from the dining hall like bagels and we have Tupperware that we're gonna take so we can have more snacks.
As you can see its all healthy and delicious...yummy!

We have also acquired a generous supply of splenda courtesy of starbucks. Actually we stole it. But I think we need it more than they do and I know they have a ton in the back and I bought a short hot chocolate to make up for it.

This is our secret toaster oven (and a bunch of our ramen-- cause it wouldn't all fit on the shelf...cause we have like 50 of them) But its secret cause we're not supposed to have things that have an open coil or burner-- aka this. But we already got it so its just gonna stay hidden but we can only really use it when our RA isn't here. But she's not here a lot during the day so it should be fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm sorry, but you ladies need some nutrition. You know, the stuff that actually fuels your body? Upgrade your dining plan, and leave the Ramen on the shelf. You know what Ramen is? Wet, warm, potato chips. Yeah. that's how much nutrition it has.

How do your chandelier and big rug look?

Tomorrow night: Presidential debates, ladies. McSame may not be there (chickenshit), but YOU need to be.

I love my sweatshirt. I told your sister I had it before the first day of class. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did chastise her.