Tuesday, May 15, 2007

High jump

For those of you who don't know, high jump has been the love of my life since I started it in 8th grade. And that's about as close as I'm ever going to get to my dream of being a gymnast who starts when she is 3 and goes to the olympics when she is 14. Anyways, When I was in 8th grade I thought I was really cool. And I was...for an 8th grader who thought she was the shit. So I started track and since I could make the opening height of 3'6", I got to be a high jumper. And now 19 inches higher, I've made a cute little collection of picture of my progress. Why? Because I have nothing better to do at midnight then put off writing a cheer and going to sleep.

The pictures start in 9th grade because there aren't any pictures of my in 8th grade because I'm pretty sure that digital cameras and computers werent invented back then.

So this first one is me at 4A Districts in 2005, the end of my freshman year. I jumped 4'8" in the first meet of the year and ended up with a PR (personal record) of 4'10". I'm pretty sure this was 4'6" or 4'8" but this was the last meet of the season and the first meet that I jumped 4'10". I didn't place, but I also didn't get last so I was probably about the middle loser. very nice.

It was my first year jumping in high school and we didn't have a jump coach, so the majority of our practice time was spent lounging around on the mat while the boys came over and hung around us...we accomplished a lot. Actually we did; I jumped with Kelsey and Sammy we were really cool.

Next year=10th grade/2006

Very cool year. Not really, I jumped 4'10" pretty consistently throughout the year and never did any better than that. Which isn't too bad because 4'10" can win a lot of meets, but in the end its still only 4'10. So it was an ok season, I went to Pasco, which is the best meet ever because its over night and its far away and its at the place that the state meet is at.

This is a picture of 4'8", notice my cool underarmor. Its very cool and I like it, so you should too. its like a wardrobe staple. Not so much the legs because in general legs+spandex=bad. but underarmor shirts are good.

This year= Junior Year aka 2007 aka now
It started out pretty bad, I pulled a muscle before the first meet and made 4'4 in the first meet. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed.
It got a little better after that, but I couldn't really jump higher than 4'8" for while.

And then I made 4'10" at the Eason Invite (look left), That was kind of exciting only I was late for a birthday party so I was kind of like "whatever, just me out of here", But it was nice and Coach was happy so it was good.

Now, there's this girl named Amanda who is jumper from another school in our district and we are at about the same level at high jump so we are always competing.

And last year she beat me at the Edmonds School District Championship meet even though I'd already beaten her twice that year, so I was kind of pissed and this year she was jumping 5'0 sometimes so I was like oh dang, I gotta beat her. And then I did, I jumped 5'0" for the first time at the 2007 ESD Championships and got first place. It was pretty exciting and now there is a pretty blue ribbon hanging from the mirror in my car, its my first ever so I'm very proud of it.

Next was the South Wesco Championships which is kind of the league meet, Because we're in the Wesco league but its pretty big so they do north and south wesco meets first. This meet also happened to be on the same day as prom and I had to miss part of it because I like flipping over high jump bars. I ended up getting 2nd place and jumping 5'1" which is my new PR.
This is also my new favorite picture in the whole world, it will probably be one of those that I show to my grandkids and be like "look what I used to be able to do!"
So next week is the All-Wesco meet and the top three go to state. It's been my dream since I was a freshman to go to state, but I never thought that I would actually get a chance to have a chance to go...thats a lot of chance. I am seeded 16 out of 19 I think, which mean that I am 4th or 5th best there.
Anyways, this is probably the most self-centered post I will ever make, but I think its important because if I do go to state then I guarantee you thats all I'm going to talk about for the rest of my life, and if I don't then I'll spend the next few weeks bitching and moaning about it.
So, this is the first meet I've been nervous for before because this is the first one that has actually mattered. It sucks.
I have my IB psychology exam tomorrow and I think I should start studying now, or i'll just get some coffee before the test. I love coffee for sure.

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