Tuesday, May 15, 2007

And so it begins...

So, I've been able to resist the blogging world this whole year while Ashalyn and my mother wrote in theirs all the time and everyone was like "oh wow, I love your blogs they're so funny!" yeah well, after a while you kind of get to wondering what you're missing out on. Its kind of like Myspace only not as good. And kind of like Facebook, only less cool. For big kids. Plus it saves time when something cool happens and you want to tell everyone you know, but that would involve actually calling them and having to talk about a gajillion other things that don't really even matter. And not everyone has text. Even though they should, because texts rule.

This most likely won't be a hilarious blog with all kinds of witty stories about bikes named after horses or obscene references to dog toys, it'll probably be something like "oh my god, so I bought this really cute shirt the other day and then when I went to school today some jerk was totally wearing the same thing...jerk." Well kind of. But I can guarantee you there won't be any omg, ttyl, g2g, brb, stfu, lol, lmao, bffl...Because, well, Its just not funny. Penelope from Saturday Night Live is funny. Quarters glued to the floor is funny...that is not. The only one that I might ever use is WTF. I don't know, I just like it. Because not everything deserves me to write 'what the fuck'. Like, if I just think that (like while I'm driving and someone is being a dumb driver...again) then it really isn't worth all that. But other times, generally when our president does something extremely unintelligent, it sometimes deserves a what the fuck. But I digress.
Some of you are probably thinking that quarters glued to the floor aren't even all that funny...well, I can guarantee you it is. When you're working an 8 hour shift and you're bored and every customer who comes through the door tries to pick it up but can't and then you get to sit there and act all sympathetic like you don't know how it happened even though you were the one who glued it there in the first place. It's hilarious.
I don't even know how to let people read this...chances are it will get abandoned soon because no one will read it because they won't know that it exists. Maybe I'll just do a survey on myspace.



The Witty Mulatto said...

I don't know, I was laughing like a mofo.

I did not know that Funtasia lack "big balls". From now on, I will only frequent Chuck E. Cheeses.

Can I link to your blog in mine? (Az igazi kerdes: fogsz apu felesegerol irni? mer akor nem linkelek).

Chris said...

Penelope sketch was hilarious:

Both Penelope Sketches