Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eggland is Eggcellent.

It’s almost Friday! I know I write about it eggery time I post but I’m so super excited to see my best friends that I don’t really care. Anyways, I got my first real piece of mail the other day. Cam Cam sent me a lovely letter complete with pictures and everything. It’s hanging on the wall above my desk and I love it. Of course the letters he sends me aren't nearly as decorated and pretty as the ones I send him but I think that's to be expected...he doesn't have to sit around a dorm all day.

SO we went and watched Zoolander in the lounge with some people today. IT was pretty cool; the girl who lives two doors down from us was there with her roommate. We're kind of friends with the two rooms to the left of us, the girls right next to us went to Terrace so that was kind of cool cause we're from the same place and we know some of the same people. Shea comes over pretty much every day though, she's hella cool. She made us dinner last night, it was really sweet of her she made polenta with spaghetti sauce and peppers and we made some biscuits in our illegal toaster oven. It was excellent.

So we have to walk by the Highland dorm on our way to class and one day we notice this little gem of a cat sitting on the wall outside of it (its one of those dorms with the doors that open to the outside)
And then for like three days after that he was moved to a different spot ever morning; it was pretty funny. But then one day he mysteriously disappeared. So sad...

A guest speaker from Big Brothers Big sisters came in to my education class today and she talked about being a Big and stuff and it seems hella cool so I think I’m gonna do it. I wanted to do it in high school but I think you have to be over 18 to really do it. So anyways I sent in for an information packet or whatever and if I get chosen to do it I just have to go to the elementary school once a week for an hour to meet with the kid and chill and stuff. And it’s supposed to look really good on resumes, especially if I want to be a teacher.

I still really like all my classes and everything, math is still pretty boring but I feel like it’s going to get really hard and I’m going to fail we'll see I guess. Cam Cam said he'd help me if I want but I don’t really whatever. Spanish is still really easy but it’s getting better and she's teaching things more in depth than we learned it in high school so I guess that's good. I guess I was just expecting it to be a lot different because everyone kept talking about how fast paced it is in college but I really don’t think it is. And the classes seem so short because they're only 50 minutes and we used to have 90 minute classes in high school.
The gym here is really nice; we've been going most days. The first time we made the mistake of going in the evening at like 5 but it was packed and it sucked a lot so now we go around 12 or 2 when we get done with class and homework and stuff. But I’m not gonna lie, I've gotten used to taking a nap in the middle of the we didn't do it yesterday and I had the hardest time getting up this morning. Naps are good. More people should take them.

Anyways, for those of you who like to see my face, here I am sitting outside in the sun before class. Que chulo.


The Witty Mulatto said...

So what's eggland?

Remember that episode of Stuart where he gets a Big Brother? You should watch that before you commit to anything...

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to her. You'd be a great Big Sister. Are you still going to do it, now that you're tutoring kids? Great pic.