Monday, December 24, 2007

really? really?

So I guess i don't post on here enough...Its hard to think of entertaining things to write about though.

One thing that is entertaining me right now is the special effects in black and white movies. Its pretty genius actually. I'm watching Its a Wonderful Life and its supposed to be snowing outside and they are blowing snow up from the bottom and of the window. Its pretty cool looking. They have some cool special effects these days, but they had to be a lot more creative back then. Its a little bit cooler.

Oh yeah. Best movie ever: (besides Superbad--of course) Juno. If you haven't seen it you totally should. It stars Ellen Page (not to be confused with stupid Ellen Pompeo from Greys Anatomy) and Michael Cera (who I adore from superbad) and she gets pregnant from him and decides to put the kid up for adoption and its just a really super cute and adorable movie. It's good because I thought she was just a dumb little emo girl in the beginning, but she's actually really individual, which is legit because I'm getting really tired of emos. no joke. I mean really, doesn't it get old? Cause it got old for me the second I saw the tapered pants and same-3-chord guitar songs played over and over agian.

Another good movie is I am Legend with Will Smith. Its an actual legit scary movie, the first in a while actually. Although there are a lot of jumpy-scary scenes, I thought that the way that they made the "zombie" (infected people, whatever they are called) act was the scariest. Because they still acted like humans in some scenes...which scared the crap out of me.

And for those of you who enjoy Will Smith, there is a scene of him showing off his uber-buff bod doing pull ups.

Good times.

But I'm off to wait for Santa. I remember back when I couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve because I was just so excited for the presents. Now its more like Whoooooo sleep! Because as exciting as presents are, I just don't feel that it is necessary to give up an entire night of sleep to wait for them. They'll be there when I wake up and I'll be more able to enjoy them and hopefully look a little more bright eyed in the pictures. Which reminds me...I have to put on cute PJs and possibly some make up or atleast brush my hair so that I can look somewhat presentable in the pictures. You might say "oh it doesn't matter, it'll look natural!" No. It does matter. Because often times, the christmas pictures are the only ones that survive through the that really how you want to be remembered? I'll pass on that. But kudos if you don't mind generations of relatives seeing you tired and red-eyed trying to suck down a cup of coffee as fast as possible trying to wake up a little more while you unwrap presents. Its just more relaxing. of course i would rather that no pictures were taken because sometimes its hard to hold the surprised, joyful look long enough for people to fumble around with the camera and take the picture. Cause as good as the present may be, you can really only be surprised once. but I guess if i'm getting a present, one picture isn't really too much to ask...


DirtyRottenKitty said...

Yes, I appreciate your attitude - you're the only kid I know who wakes up at 9:30, and realizing that your siblings actually weren't up at the crack of midnight, says, "YES!" and goes back to sleep.

The Witty Mulatto said...

Dude, that was like my favorite scene. Just like my favorite scene in Independence Day is when he gets in the shower. (That is Independence Day, no? Maybe it was the robot one. Anyway, e was in the shower.)

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