Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Dubya again...

REPORTER: Mr. President, music is one of our largest exports the country has. Currently, every country in the world -- except China, Iran, North Korea, Rwanda and the United States -- pay a statutory royalty to the performing artists for radio and television air play. Would your administration consider changing our laws to align it with the rest of the world? DUBYA: Help. Maybe you've never had a President say this -- I have, like, no earthly idea what you're talking about. Sounds like we're keeping interesting company, you know? Look, I'll give you the old classic. Contact my office, will you? I really don't -- I'm totally out of my lane. I like listening to country music, if that helps.
-- No, that really doesn't help at all. But at least you admitted you were completely out of your depth. That's a first. Nashville, Tennessee, Jul. 19, 2007

www.dubya speak.com

Wow. really. This is our president? Reading over the fresh dubya quotes on Dubyaspeak I am shocked at what an idiot our president is. Really, I don't even know what to say about it. But as pissed as I am at him for being an idiot, its the people who voted for him (or frauded the votes) who i want to read that. oh well, only a year left anyways


DirtyRottenKitty said...

goodgawd. If it were the music industry he were this clueless on, that would be one thing. But this is pretty much his answer to so many, many things. He may not always SAY it like that, but you know it's what's running through his little head. Cowboy up!

The Witty Mulatto said...

Dubya's such an incredible dumb-ass.